Bird Nests: hollow trees

Many species of birds throughout the world use tree hollows for nesting and protection. Birds build nests in a cavity in a hollow tree to avoid ground predators.

Only old, mature trees have hollows. Openings range from as small as 2 centimetres (almost one inch) to as large as 75 centimetres (29 inches). The depth ranges from 10 centimetres (4 inches) to several metres.

Medium-sized hollows are useful for parrots and larger-sized hollows are useful for owls.

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What is a montane ecosystem?

What is a montane ecosystem?

A montane ecosystem is a mountain area between the lower timberline (lower tree line) and the timberline (tree line), with soil temperatures approximately between 6-12 degrees Celsius (43-54 Fahrenheit).

In the montane region, there can be dense forests and high winds. There are different forest types, depending on the location in the world.

Temperate montane forests occur in Europe (e.g. the Alps, Carpathians, and the Caucasus Mountains), North America (e.g. Cascade Range and Appalachians), South America, New Zealand, and Himalaya.

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