RESEARCH: Gibbons plan ahead for breakfast

Gibbons plan ahead for breakfast to beat out their rivals and competitors. This is the view of scientists studying Gibbon behaviour, who maintain that the reason they plan ahead is to get the best breakfast spots. 

Scientists say that the Gibbons remember the locations of the best food and they go to these locations earlier than other animals when they want to eat fruit for breakfast.

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Agile Gibbon

The Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis) is an arboreal primate mammal in the Gibbon family. It is also known as the Black-Handed Gibbon. It is not a monkey because it does not have a tail.

The Agile Gibbon ranges in colour from red-brown to black. It has a white brow. The male has white or light-grey cheeks. It has very long arms, which enable it to swing from branch to branch very quickly. 

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The Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) is an arboreal gibbon, native to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

The Siamang has long, black, shaggy fur. Its face is hairless, except for a thin moustache. It has very long arms. Syndactylus means ‘united finger’ because the first two digits on each foot are partially joined by a piece of skin. It has a large gular sac, which is a throat pouch. The throat pouch inflates to a large balloon-shape, enabling it to make loud vocal sounds.

It can grow to 90 centimetres (36 inches) tall, which is twice the size of other gibbons, making it the largest of all gibbons.

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