Mini Flyers – flying insect photography exhibition 

Photographs of mini flyers are close-up photos of flying insects. The exhibition, from 21 October 2022 to 14 May 2023 is on the railing fence of the Jardin des Plants (the botanical garden) in Paris. The exhibition is hosted by the Paris National Museum of Natural History. The French phrase for mini flyers is mini voltigeurs.

The photographs show the strength, rigidity, flexibility, and weight of insect wings. Insects use turbulence (movement of air) in their environment to create an airflow around their wings to produce a strong, upward force. 

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What are the similarities and differences between the bat, bird, and insect?

What are the similarities and differences between the bat, bird, and insect?  

The bat is a mammal, whereas the bird and insect are not mammals. 

The bat and bird have two legs, whereas the insect has six legs.

The bat, and many species of birds and insects can fly. The bat is the only mammal that can fly. 

The bat, bird, and insect fly in different ways.

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