Yellow Mongoose

The Yellow Mongoose (Cynictis penicillata) is a carnivorous mammal. It is also known as the Red Meerkat. 

The Yellow Mongoose has a long body with rough yellowish fur, and a bushy tail. It has lighter highlights on its underbelly and chin. It has a pointy nose and small ears. Its eyes are small and dark. It has long, strong claws that dig through soil. Its claws do not retract, and therefore they are always visible.

It grows to about 50 centimetres (20 inches) in length, with a 15-30 centimetre (6-12 inch) long tail.

Yellow Mongoose

The Yellow Mongoose is native to southern Africa, in countries such as Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. It prefers open country, semi-desert scrublands, and grasslands. 

It is carnivorous, eating small mammals, lizards, snakes, bird eggs, and reptile eggs. It is mainly diurnal, active during the day. Its predators include eagles and hawks, snakes, and jackals. 

The Yellow Mongoose lives in colonies of up to 20 individuals, in a hierarchical society headed by dominant females. They live in a burrow underground, called a den or a warren. The den has a tunnel system with many entrances. 

The female is pregnant for 56 days, before giving birth to 2-5 young, called pups, in one of the tunnels in the den. All adult females help to care for and rear the pups. This is called allomothering.

The pups stay in the den for about four weeks before venturing outside. The pups are independent after about three months.

Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose

Photographer: Martina Nicolls


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